If you are leaving this grade…then be sure to do these things ALL SUMMER LONG!
Pre-Kinder/Transitional Kindergarten
Reading: Read with a family member every night before bed, practice naming letters and letter sounds.
Writing: Practice writing name, letters, drawing pictures and labeling them, writing simple sentences
Math: Practice counting objects and writing numbers.
More: Please refer to the other handout for more fun ideas on how to do these with your child. If your child did not attend Pre-K or TK at Hillview, download the handouts from the Hillview Crest website.
Reading: Practice/master “foundational skills” on spring report card. Read and discuss books and binder daily. Visit library.
Writing: Write in your “Kindergarten Writing Journal” –directions in journal.
Math: Practice/master “foundational skills” on spring report card.
First Grade
Reading: Raz Kids, Visit the library, tumblebooks, starfall, play A.P.T.T. sight word games Practice retelling stories with key details.
Writing: Write daily in your journals that were provided at APTT about your summer adventures. Focus on spelling sight words correctly.
Math: Use Freckle, play addition and subtraction math card games given at APTT, practice using math flash cards (addition and subtraction facts to 20), and practice counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s, to 120. Have your child start practicing counting money with you.
More: Read a story with your child every single night before bed. Talk to your child while driving in thecar. Hang words up around the house and make them practice reading the sight words around the house. After they watch a T.V. show AND have a discussion with them about what they learned, what they predict will happen next, who the characters were.
Second Grade
Reading: Read daily: books, RAZ kids, Tumblebooks and discuss what you read. Create a story arc or list 3 important facts you learned (non-fiction).
Writing: Write “Small Moments” about your summer adventures, write a “How To” about a favorite summer activity, write a letter to a friend or family member.
Math: Practice math fact fluency & counting by 2s, 5s & 10s, practice telling time to the hour, half hour & 5 minute increments. Work to identify coins (names & value) as well as adding money.
More: Ask open ended questions: How do you know that? Tell me more about . . . How does that make you feel? Can you identify some of _________’s character traits?
Third Grade
Reading: Read for at least 30 min. Daily: Razkids, Scholastics News, Freckle as resources for books
Writing: Keep Writing in Writer’s notebook, type up pieces/continue pieces of writing in Google Docs.
Math: Practice math facts, work on student math books (Bridges and Number Corner)
More: Participate in UC Library Summer Reading Program
Fourth Grade
Reading: Read at least 30 mins daily, listen to Raz Kids, Tumblebooks, and Freckle.
Writing: Write paragraphs about experiences during the summer. Write summaries of your reading. Focus on capitalization, and punctuation. Practice responding to articles on Freckle.
Math: Work on math books (Bridges & Number Corner). Practice all facts with flashcards. Freckle.
Fifth Grade
Reading: Read EVERY day! Read non-fiction, fiction, ebooks, poetry, newspapers and read out loud! ,wonderopolis, newsela, Raz Kids, discuss character traits (for tv shows as well), keep a reading journal, visit the library, provide a free book, read aloud to others.
Writing: Summarize what has been read, email friends, practice keyboarding (typing club), Freckle Language, keep a journal.
Math: Freckle, flashcards, card games
More: Follow recipes. Plant a garden. Take a field trip to a museum, zoo, or local park with walking trails. Write about all of this in your journal.